A lot of research has been done regarding how poop transplants can actually save lives and help the sick become well. I know they trasplant it to save the person from actually having to consume it. But to be honest that is actually the best part of it all, and if I could actually get it by pretending to not feel well I would lol. Although this was role playing and she was actually not a real nurse, she really actually did have the real medicine that I was able to consume to help my aching dick feel much much better. Her ass is incredbily fat and bubbly and her asshole and her shit tastes so amazing. Watch as Vanessa sucks my cock and fills my mouth with piss and her healing scat and lets me cum in her mouth and she swallows my entire load! It was such a hot encounter once again and she was incredibly turned on and eager to both piss and shit into my mouth. I love when a pretty big butted girl enjoys our fetish and actually is turned on by doing this dirty shit with us! Cheers